Flowering Light Cycle for Marijuana

The Flowering Light Cycle is the cycle you set your High Pressure Sodium Lights on to bud your marijuana plants. There is a basic light cycle and a more experienced growers light cycle for flowering and harvesting marijuana buds. In order to become successful with indoor marijuana growing, you need to know what light cycle to set your grow lights on as well as how many hours a day and how often they come on. I will show you a light cycle that will save you 50% of your production costs while gaining 30% more production, as well this advanced light cycle will cut your vegetative and flowering time by 25%.

Basic Light Cycle for Flowering Marijuana

The most common and basic cycle to set your high pressure sodium lights on for marijuana flowering is the 12 on 12 off cycle. This 12 hour light cycle is the maximum amount of light you should ever give your marijuana plants when they are in the flowering stage, producing marijuana buds. Anything more than 12 hours of light will signal the plant to continue growing in the vegetative stage, not allowing the plant to bloom and flower buds. I prefer to run my bud lights or flowering stage lights at night when the temperature is cooler for the indoor garden. If you are growing illegally, you may want to consider putting your lights on from 6pm-6am as the electric company employees do not work those hours and will not ever see your electric meter spinning at a fast rate.

Advanced Flowering Light Cycle

This advanced light cycle will save you time, money and increase overall production by up to 50%. This flowering light cycle is based on plants that are a 9 week flowering strain. Heres a breakdown of how you should set your timers for your HPS lights in your flowering or bud room:

Weeks 1-2: Set your timer for 11 hours on and 13 hours off.
Weeks 3-4: Set your timer for 10.5 hours on and 13.5 hours off.
Weeks 5-6: Set timers on for 10 hours and off for 14 hours.
Weeks 7-8: 9.5 hours on and 14.5 hours off.
Week 9: set timers to 9 hours on and 15 hours off. this is the final week of flowering and you should be “flushing” your plants to remove all chemicals and nutrients from the roots.

This is the best and most efficient way to set your timers for the Flowering Light Cycle.

How to Set Up a Grow Room

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  1. Do not let your ego get too close to your role, to ensure in case your position gets shot down, your ego doesn’t go along with it.
    Regarding the time we are able to make the payments, somebody moves the ends.

  2. For one you should have a light cycle of 18 on 6 off this give the plant time to stableize it’s root system and harden it’s stems to get ready for heavy flowers, but yeah basically when ever you want to put a plant into flower go for it but it will effect the yield, bigger plant bigger and more flowers, also do you know what the ph level is?? And what kind of food are you using (N-P-K) and are they green all the way through or is there yellowing, purple stems, dead spots anything going on besides a pure bright green?

  3. I am a newbie my plants are a bout 6 weeks old my light cycle been on 24 since day 1 they are a bout 2 feet tall is it time to bud .

  4. ok i just need to know how long is to long to have a plant in flowering.at the end of Dec,will be 16 weeks,that my 4 plants have been in florwing and only one has 60% of hairs have changed color the other three plants hairs are still very white showing and dont look no were nere ready.so do i leach now and wait two weeks to cut.and i know about trec but my two year old droped my jewlers loop it in the bathtub.

    • thats way too long (16 weeks) ive never heard of anything that long except for outdoor strains that grow 7 feet tall.. i would just wait until the trichomes tell you they are ready for harvest… thats really the only proper way to do so..

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