Medical Marijuana Card

There are currently 16 states and DC allowing the use of medical marijuana and cannabis cultivation with the possession of a medical marijuana card. Each state has their own laws and regulations regarding the use of medical marijuana so please read below for details pertaining to each state. Once you have read the rules for your specific state, you are ready to apply for your marijuana card using our online application process. This is by far the easiest and most confidential way of having a doctor prescribe you medical marijuana. You are welcome to locate and find your own licensed physician, just verify their license is legit. Once you have been approved, you need to send the form along with money to your state health authorities for processing.

Medical Marijuana Card Application Process

Applying for your medical marijuana card can be stressful. You first need to find a legit, licensed physician in your area that specializes in prescribing medical cannabis as medicine. Then you need to make an appointment with that doctor and be prepared to describe all pains and ailments you experience on a daily basis. ( Cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, epilepsy, seizures, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, uscle spasticity, and nausea) just to name a few. Use our Directory of approved physicians in your area for prescribing medical pot to get started.

Residency Requirement – 12 of the 16 states require proof of residency to be considered a qualifying patient for medical marijuana use. Oregon and Montana have announced that they will accept out-of-state applications. It is unclear if non-residents will be able to apply to be qualifying registered patients in Arizona until the rules are determined by ADHS.

Medical Marijuana Card Laws

12 of the 16 states require proof of residency to be considered a qualifying patient for medical marijuana use. Oregon and Montana have announced that they will accept out-of-state applications. It is unclear if non-residents will be able to apply to be qualifying registered patients in Arizona until the rules are determined by ADHS.

1. Alaska
-Allowed 1 oz. Medical Pot; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature).
2. Arizona
-Allowed 2.5 oz. , 0-12 plants.
3. California
-Allowed 8 oz.; 18 plants (6 mature, 12 immature)
4. Colorado
-Allowed 2 oz.; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature)
5. DC
-Allowed 2 oz.; limits on other forms to be determined.
-Allowed 6oz.
7. Hawaii
-Allowed 3 oz.; 7 plants (3 mature, 4 immature)
8. Maine
-Allowed 2.5 oz.; 6 plants
9. Michigan
-Allowed 2.5 oz.; 12 plants
10. Montana
-Allowed 1 oz.; 6 plants
11. Nevada
-Allowed 1 oz.; 7 plants (3 mature, 4 immature)
12. New Jersey
-Allowed 2 oz.
13. New Mexico
-Allowed 6 oz.; 16 plants (4 mature, 12 immature)
14. Oregon
-Allowed 24 oz.; 24 plants (6 mature, 18 immature)
15. Rhode Island
-Allowed 2.5 oz.; 12 plants
16. Vermont
-Allowed 2 oz.; 9 plants (2 mature, 7 immature)
17. Washington
-Allowed 24 oz.; 15 plants

Home Cultivation – Patients and their caregivers can cultivate in 13 of the 15 states. Home cultivation is not allowed in New Jersey or the District of Columbia and a special license is required in New Mexico. In Arizona, patients can only cultivate if they live 25 miles or more from a dispensary. Your Medical Marijuana Card is also known as cannabis cards or MMJ Red Card. Always remember that each state has its own way of regulating medical marijuana card laws.

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    • all u can do is spread the word, start community groups. petition the county… i dont want to sound negative, but i believe the bible belt will be the last place its ever legalized. so strict and harsh down there.

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