Organic Vs Chemical Nutrients:

What works best for growing cannabis?

What are the major differences between organic and chemical nutrients? It’s not a matter of which one is better, because they’re good at different things.
organic vs chemical nutrients
Organic Nutrients

Pros & Cons: Organic vs Chemical Nutrients

Better Smell & Taste to Buds – Many growers believe organic-based nutrient systems will create the most fragrant and “smoothest” buds. Some of the best benefits to smell and taste seem to come from using composted soil that’s been amended with nutrients from natural sources. This creates a living soil with colonies of beneficial microorganisms, and is often associated with a bolder taste and smell in buds. However, watering your plants with liquid nutrients that just happen to be organic will likely not get the same level of results.

More Natural – Especially when growing in a living soil, you’re creating a home for your roots that is as close to nature as possible (only better because you’re making sure your plant gets everything it needs!)

Organic vs Chemical Nutrients for Hydroponics

– Organic nutrients are not a good choice for hydroponic systems because any organic matter can cause unwanted stuff to grow in your reservoir. Let me just say this, as of yet, In the 20+ years I have growing cannabis, I’ve never seen organic hydroponics go well for someone!

Benefits of Using Chemical Nutrients

Organic vs Chemical Nutrients: Which is better forIncreased Potency?

– While organic nutrients may increase the smell and taste of buds, chemical nutrients may increase the potency.
Faster Growth – Chemical nutrients provide nutrients to plants in the most easy-to-absorb forms possible. This results in somewhat faster growth than if the nutrients have to be broken down in the soil by a colony of microorganisms before they become available to your plant.
Only Choice for Hydro – These are the best cannabis nutrients for hydroponic systems because they are less likely to cause stuff to grow in the water reservoir. However, chemical nutrients can also be a great choice for soil or coco because of the increased potency and faster growth!

Don’t want to use nutrients at all? Learn how to compost your own super soil (or buy super soil pre-made online). Super soil compost contains all the nutrients your plant will need from seed to harvest so you just need to add water, and as an added bonus, with composted super soil you don’t need to worry about maintaining your pH! Instead, the composting process develops a colony of microorganisms in your soil that will automatically take care of the pH for your plants (like in nature), while slowly providing nutrients on demand.

Super soil compost has been amended so no additional nutrients are needed. Just add water!

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