Sexing Marijuana is only necessary if you choose to grow from seed. Cannabis grown from seed needs to go through pre-flowering to determine the sex of the plant, either male or female. Males produce pollen and seeds which can and will destroy a harvest. Female plants produce marijuana buds. Counting up from the bottom of the plant about 6 nodes, you will see the pre-flowers, each sex having its own distinct flower. Males need to be removed ASAP or else your harvest will be ruined. If you are trying to cross-breed strains, then you will want to keep the males and their pollen.

The use of these crocodile skins has also sparked controversy. This summer, several members of the animal rights protection organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sneaked into a “alligator factory” that provides crocodile skins for Hermès as undercover agents, exposing the terrible environment in which these crocodiles live.
I am growing from seed and need to know when is the earliest into their seedling growth, when and how to determine the sex of my plants.
I believe there is a stage in growth (like how many internodes) to turn the lights to a different cycle..then apparently the sex becomes apparent and I can remove the males and turn the lights back to 18 hours for the you know all about this or can refer me to another reference please..
Thanks E
you can put them into flowering stage to check their sex after they have 6 sets of branches.