Odiorne; Thomas Oliver; William Olney; Amos Osborn; D

Odiorne; Thomas Oliver; William Olney; Amos Osborn; D

Osborn; John Osborn; Joseph Otis; Joseph & George An effective. Otis; Thomas Otis; Otis & Dwight; David Page, Jr. Peters; Peters & Bigelow; Philbrook & Brown; P. Phillips; Phillips & Holden; B. Pickman; Joshua Pico; H. Good. Pinkerton; Amos Pollard; Allan Pollock; Grams. Pollock; Thomas Pollock; Lemuel Pope, Jr. Grams. Prentiss; Abel Prescott; Abel H. Prescott; https://lovingwomen.org/no/blog/kinesiske-datingsider/ Ephraim Prescott; John L. Prescott; John L. J. Prescott; Prescott & Cleveland; Henry Rate; Moses Prichard & Co. Reynolds; Rich & Dickerman; Paul D. Roentgenichards; Roentgen. Richards; Asa Richardson; John Richardson; William Richardson/William Richardson & Son; Ripley & Freeman; John Ritchie; Ritchie & Eliot; Thomas Robertson & Co. Robinson; J. S. & Roentgen. Roby; Joseph Roby; C. Rogers; Edward Rogers; Richard W.

Rogers; Samuel Rogers; W. C. Rogers; William Rogers; George A good. Rogerson; Robert Rogerson; Samuel Ruggles; Benjamin Russell (towards the Columbian Centinel); Richard Salter, Jr. Sargent; Israel Sawyer; Sawyer & Wigglesworth; Saxton & Jackson; Saxton, Wainwright & Jackson; Miss S. Scribner; William Sewall & Co. G. Seabury; T. Searle; Seward & Loring; Daniel Shattuck/Daniel Shattuck & Co. Shaw; William Shepherd; A beneficial. Sigourney; Charles Sigourney; Simmons & Pigeon; Thomas Singleton; Samuel Slater; Matthew Sleght; Allen Smith; B. Smith; Elijah Smith; Isaac Smith; J. Smith; William Smith/William Smith & Co. W. Spofford; Phebe Sprague; Stackpole; Stackpole & Wheeler; John Stacy; Samuel Stanford; Eli Starr; Benjamin Stearns; S. Stearns; Joseph Stedman; Isaac Stevens; John Stevens; Roentgen.

S. Stewart; Lovet Stimson; Story; Nathan Pack; Nathan & Cyrus Stow; Stows & Meriam; Sturgis & Parkman; John Sullivan; James Swan; Joshua Swan; John Swett; John Tappan; Lewis Tappan/L

Tappan & Co. K. Thomas; Thomas & Robinson; Elisha Ticknor; Ticknor & Tileston; Tisdale & Bacon; William Todd, Jr. P. Tolman; Tolman & Brewer; Torrey, Symmes & Co. Tuck; Alanson Tucker; Alanson & Nathaniel Tucker; Beza Tucker; Beza & Nathaniel Tucker; Tucker & Thayer; W. Tuckerman; Tuckerman, Rogers & Cushing; Ebenezer & Ephraim Tufts; Quincy Tufts; Emily Turner; Thomas Turner; Isaac Tyler; Nathaniel Valentine/Vollentine; Robert Vardell; Thomas & Abel Vinton; John Vose; Wainwright & Jackson; Wainwright & Park; Samuel Hold off & Co. Walker; B. C. & W. Ward; Groves Ware/James Groves Ware; Cyrus Warren; Isaac Warren; John Warren; Warren & Jones; Nathaniel Waterman; B. F. Waters; Weeks & Fifield; James Weir; William Weir; W. F. H. Weld; George Weller; Samuel Welles; M. Wells; Jonas Welsh; Hiram Wentworth; David West; John Western; Western & Greenleaf; Edward Wetherbee; James Whalan; Peter Wheeler; Wheeler & Farley; Jonathan Wheelock; Ammi Light; Benjamin F.

White; Jeremiah Light; John Light; S. K. White; Samuel Light; Solomon Light; Whiting; Davis Whitman; Josiah Whitney; P. S. Whitney; S. L. Whitney; Whitney & Gould; William Whittemore/William Whittemore & Co. Wiggin; Timothy Wiggin & Co. Wild; William Nuts; Richard Wilkinson; George Williams & Co. H. Williams; Samuel G. Williams; J. B. Winn; Good. Winslow; B. Winslow; Benjamin Winslow/Benjamin Winslow & Co.

S. Stewart, 1836; assets insurance policy (Middlesex Common Coverage Company) to Tilly Merrick, 1833, having 1836 mention from import away from same so you’re able to Phineas Exactly how

Shipments details, 1780-1786, add bills regarding lading, charter events, a certification out-of tonnage with the schooner Sally, a manifest toward watercraft Mercury, and you can a notification regarding an effective deserter regarding the Mercury. Sc organization records, 1785-1793, tend to be economic or other data files concerning the connection out-of Merrick & Movement, a couple directories entitled “A number of Stuff having American Trade,” and records out-of Asa Tourtellot’s exercising strength away from attorneys to possess Tilly Merrick.

Assets documents, 1786-1809, contain: a-one-season lease (1786) by Tilly Merrick so you can their sibling Augustus getting 640 miles from inside the South carolina; Ephraim Timber bundle of Calf Pasture during the Concord, owned by Tilly Merrick, 1797, and 1etter, Francis J. Merrick in order to Nathan Brooks, March 18, 1836, concerning your aura of this pasture; bond, Jonathan Torrey while some so you can Tilly Merrick, relating to property inside the Plainfield, Massachusetts, 1797; lease, Tilly Merrick so you’re able to Ephraim Jones, 1798, having hold family and property inside Concord; revenue during the public auction so you can Tilly Merrick away from domestic in the house of E Crosby (Jonas Lee, auctioneer), 1805, and you can receipt having payment towards before; book of grist factory for the “the middle of . . . Concord near the Appointment Household,” Tilly Merrick so you can John Trumbull, 1809; deed, Tilly Merrick in order to Samuel Hoar, to own assets inside the Concord, 1828; conveyance from property for the Concord, Tilly Merrick so you can Phineas How, 1835; conveyance away from assets inside Concord, Tilly Merrick to help you Phineas Exactly how and you can Roentgen.

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