Stooonie Crisp Cereal

Do you remember in the 90’s when they started turning everything into cereal?

Chocolate chip cookies? Cereal!
Cinnamon toast? Cereal!
Reeses Pieces? Cereal!
S’mores? Cereal!
A guy who survives on the blood of virgins? Ceeereal!
Correction: Count Chocula has been kickin it since the 70’s. But still…
I think you get the point.

This recipe is a testament to hippie ingenuity. In order to make these ridiculously cute cookies, you need something like a pastry bag. Why not make your own?

I used an old gallon baggie and a frosting tip. But if you don’t have either of those things on hand, use your noggin. I’m sure you can come up with something to turn it into… cereal!

8 Stoney Servings

– 1 1/3 Cups GF Flour
– ½ t Baking Powder
– ½ t Salt
– 2/3 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips
(we used the Good Life brand)
– ½ Cup Sugar
– ½ Cup Melted Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil
– 1 Egg or 1 Flaaxy Egg
– 4 t Vanilla
– 6-10 T Nut Milk


  1. Preheat oven to 325º.
  2. Line cookie sheets or baking pans with parchment paper.
  3. Mix Flour, Baking Powder and Salt. Whisk!
  4. Pour Chocolate Chips into small bowl. Toss with 1 T of Flour mix.
  5. Add Sugar to Flour Mix. Stir!
  6. Add Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil, Egg/Flaaxy Egg, and Vanilla. Stir!
  7. Add 6 T Nut Milk. Stir!
  8. Add bowl of Chocolate Chips. Stir!
  9. Add Nut Milk 1 Table spoon at a time until dough is soft enough to be piped.
  10. Pipe dime-nickel sized cookies, about one inch apart.
  11. Flatten tops with wet fingers.
  12. Bake 10 Minutes until golden around the edges and crunchy in your mouth.
  13. Allow to cool 10 minutes.
  14. Cereal!

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