Delaware Marijuana Card allows Delaware Cannabis Patients the use of medical marijuana to treat symptoms such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, decompensated cirrhosis, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder; or a medical condition that produces wasting syndrome, severe debilitating pain that has not responded to other treatments for more than three months or for which other treatments produced serious side effects, severe nausea, seizures, or severe and persistent muscle spasms. The Delaware Medical Marijuana Card is necessary for patients to be able to possess their medical cannabis.
Laws for Delaware Marijuana card
Delaware medical marijuana law states that patients that have been prescribed the use of medical cannabis are allowed up to six ounces of medical marijuana with a doctor’s written recommendation. A registered Delaware marijuana compassion center may not dispense more than 3 ounces of marijuana to a registered qualifying patient in any fourteen-day period, and a patient may register with only one compassion center or medical marijuana dispensary. Delaware accepts other states medical marijuana registry id cards as being valid in Delaware, which means if you have a Colorado or Arizona medical cannabis id card you can legally carry your cannabis medicine with you.
Delaware Marijuana Card Cultivation
Delaware Medical Marijuana Patients 18 and older with certain debilitating conditions may carry up to six ounces of medical cannabis with a marijuana doctor’s written recommendation. A registered compassion center or dispensary may not dispense more than 3 ounces of medical marijuana mmj to a registered qualifying cannabis patient in any fourteen-day period, and a marijuana patient may register with only one compassion center using their Delaware Marijuana Card.