Medical Marijuana Dispensary Investments have become a hot topic of discussion throughout the nation as investors are seeking a way into this very profitable industry. Investing into marijuana dispensaries is not as easy as most investors and venture capitalists think it is. For example, here in Colorado, the state requires investors to be residents of the state of Colorado. As well, since marijuana is still considered to be illegal by the Feds, this makes it illegal for banks or financial institutions to fund or loan any money to theses marijuana related businesses. Marijuana Dispensaries can not deposit their funds into a bank as this money is considered to be drug money. Fortunately, there are always loopholes to these situations.
If you are looking to invest into a marijuana dispensary then you are at the right place. We receive numerous requests/inquiries daily from business owners looking for loans to expand their business or funding to start up a new business.
If you are an Investor looking for more info about potential opportunities, Click Here.